Sunday, May 2, 2010

Springtime in Paris

Today was breathtaking! It was a cool 60 degree day with some rain and as we were walking home, we saw this incredible rainbow. Once we got up to the apartment, we snapped a few pictures and voila! Yes, folks, this is the view from the living room window.

I felt back to normal today--good thing I brought that protein mix with me! It does wonders. Connie, Isabel and I spent the day meandering in and out of shops at the Marche Veinaison, a huge flea market in the heart of Paris. Of course we had fun spending a few Euros! I bought Isabel a French beret--mais oui!! And I got a very chic French scarf (soon to be seen in photos), a dozen antique linen napkins and some lovely Limoge dishes. I bought something (a surprise) for Paige and Jessica and something in an XLL for a male member of the clan!!!

One never knows what to expect on the metro. Today a gentleman got on and played what looked like a small tuba. He had a rolling device along with him which belted out other music and he would join in at the appropriate time. It made us smile to listen to such lively music after a long day of shopping.

And how lucky I am to have received my first phone call from the U.S. tonight. Thank you, Eddy!!! It was so good of AT&T to help you reach out and touch someone! And lucky too that I have mail soon-to-be-delivered from the U.S. by the same thoughtful gentleman. Keeping in touch with home has more meaning than ever now that I am going to be gone for such a long time.

Yesterday was May Day in France (and throughout Europe I believe). It's also known as Labor Day. On every corner of the street and in every shop there are lily-of-the-valley flowers for sale. They are so sweet and beautifully fragrant--it's a lovely tradition. So one of my purchases today was a Limoge coffee cup and saucer with the lily-of-the-valley motif. It's delicate and oh so pretty and most of all, it will remind me of spending May lst here in Paris.

How can it be that each day passes so quickly and I find myself up in the wee hours of the morning making entries into my blog? Time will tell if I can find time to blog and not cut into my beauty sleep!!!
Good night to all of you. A thousand kisses are being sent your way...


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