Sunday, May 16, 2010

Day 16 - Strasbourg, France

Deanna and I took the train from Paris to Strasbourg which is a 2.5 hour trip. This was my second visit to Strasbourg; my first was with George many years ago. This time, however, we did not stay in a hotel. We were invited to stay with good friends of the Philippona's (my friends here)and their hospitality was beyond anything I could have ever expected. Bernard picked us up at the train station, drove us a short distance to their home and got us settled in. His wife, Francois, arrived home shortly and we sat down and enjoyed champagne in the "sitting room" followed by a delectable lunch made by Bernard. Lunch included red wine, omelette, salad, a variety of cheese and for dessert fresh strawberries and creme freshe!!!

After lunch our hosts walked us to the heart of Strasbourg which is about a 10 minute walk from their home. We got a walking guided tour which was amazing. The history of the city is so interesting and the combination of the French and German cultures is simply wonderful. Deanna and I took a boat ride (similar to Venice) which showed us most parts of this "fairyland" city. We had a true Alsation dinner in a cozy restaurant (sauerkraut and a variety of sausages)and walked back "home" about 10:30 pm.

The next morning we were greeted with an authenitic French breakfast of croissants, breads, cheeses, jams, fruit, juice and coffee. Francois got up early and made a "bakery run" so Deanna could have croissants before she left France. Their hospitality was unmatched. I only hope that someday I'll have the opportunity to host them in my home with the same warmth and generousity.

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