Thursday, May 20, 2010

Day 21 - Day of Laughter Continues

Good Morning,

It's 2:25 am and I feel compelled to write my blog because wouldn't you miss not hearing from me? Actually, I would miss not sharing this exciting adventure with you.

My throat is actually sore from laughing so much tonight. This is the kind of laughter that comes from the belly that sometimes even hurts. I was laughing so much last night that I couldn't even complete a sentence. And the bad thing is we were in the classroom at Le Cordon Bleu. Well, the souffles came out concave and the batter had dripped down over the edges. Darlene whispered that it looked more like baked macaroni and cheese than a grand marnier souffle! Now that was funny because it was so true! We are having so much fun that it feels like we're back in junior high school.

I feel I owe it to my friends to tell you how well we have been treated by the French people. All of us have been overwhelmed with their kindess and consideration. People on the metro or at the metro station helps us, people in the restaurants are playful and jovial with us, shop keepers are friendly and helpful, strangers in the grocery store literally stay with us until we find what we are looking for. The other day I asked a woman for help. We couldn't determine which was whole milk, low fat or non fat. She not only helped us but she invited us to her apartment. Like me, she is here for two months (single woman precisely my age!) and owns a timeshare. It turns out she is an American from Vermont and has been coming to Paris for the past ten years, each time for two months. We talked about what to do in our neighborhood, where to eat, how to get around easily (we took the bus for the first time after leaving her apartment), etc. She has already sent me emails about healthy cooking classes, how to buy into her timeshare, and spa treatments.

So today was a visit to Musee d'Orsay to see the French master impressionists (Monet, Degas, Renoir, Cezanne,to name a few). We had lunch at the museum (see attached photo). From there we walked these windy narrow streets looking for a particular art gallery. Marti met a woman on the flight over who is an artist and exhibits her work worldwide. We found the address and although the artist was not there, we saw her collection. Marti purchased a unique miniature sculpture entitled "Le discours qui ne plait pas" by Sabrina Montiel-Soto. It was a serendipitous experience. Then off to the Ritz Paris to check out this loveliest of all hotels, then a short walk to view the famous Opera House and we found our way back to our 17th arroundismont (neighborhood) for a delicious dinner. Home about midnight, par for the course.

Tomorrow is Luxembourg Gardens and Le Cordon Bleu!!!

Love you all.


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