Monday, May 31, 2010

Day 32 - Memorial Day

Hi All,

I hope you are all enjoying a long weekend and celebrating Memorial Day as you like.

George sent me an email video of Isabel riding her bike without training wheels for the first time. It was so much fun to see her in Tacoma as I sit here in Paris. Technology is wonderful!

I have spent a quiet day pretty much at home here in the apartment. I expected the housekeeper but she didn't show up, so I decided to take a walk. And who did I run into on avenue de wagram but Noemis, said housekeeper. She said "je obliger" and I said "C'est ne pas grave." That exchange meant "I forgot" and "It's not a problem." She is coming tomorrow at 10:00 am.

Here is a picture of the stairs I must climb to reach my bedroom. It's a good thing I'm used to stairs considering my home in Burbank otherwise this could be a challenge!

As lovely as Paris is, it could be improved upon if they got a handle on the graffiti problem in the city. It's horrible--graffiti is everywhere. Also, there is so much trash on the sidewalks--big trashy items and overflowing trash bins that dump so much onto the streets and walkways. I've attached a picture taken a block from my apartment where the post office is located. It's a "tag and graffiti" exposition or something like that. Yes, if all that creativity could be channeled into something constructive, we'd be much better off.

Another interesting sight on this upscale avenue de wagram is the homeless situation. Right on the opposite corner of the post office are pup tents where homeless live and sleep. I think you can see them in the photo I posted. I often walk that way home from the metro and at night the men are gathered outside the tents on the sidewalk drinking what appears to be alcohol. Strange sight indeed!

Enjoy this holiday Monday and keep the emails coming. I really love hearing from you.

Love, Judy

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