Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Day 27

Hello to All,

You know, I can't say enough about how nice the French people have been. I said it before and I'll say it again--they are considerate, helpful, friendly and so interested in engaging in conversation.

The architecture in Paris is something to behold! It seems no matter where I go--what street I am on or what I might be seeing from afar--it's breath taking. I got caught in a thunderstorm and a heavy rain as I was leaving Monoprix with a few groceries this afternoon. I took a picture as I was waiting for the rain to let up, standing under cover with a baguette in one hand and my groceries in the other. I love this kind of day.

The director of finance at Le Cordon Bleu was waiting for my police report (iPhone stolen) so I taxied over there this morning. For the first time, I think I got "ripped off" by the taxi driver. I've been to the school enough by metro, taxi and foot to know how long it takes and what it costs. My French is improving. How do I know? Because I could tell the taxi driver that I never paid more than 10 Euros for the ride (the meter was at 17 Euros) and why was it taking so long. Even in French I'm never at a loss for words!

Tonight Marilyn, Louise and Wendy (my new friend and neighbor from Vermont) went and saw the performance of How to Become a Parisian in One Hour. I enjoyed it as much this time as I did last week with Darlene and Marti. And the staff at the theater gave me a complimentary ticket. How nice was that?

Afterwards we had dinner near our apartments and put the key in the door at 12:30 a.m. That's the Parisian lifestyle!

Another beautiful day in Paris and as of today I have been gone from home for exactly four weeks!!!

Love you all, Judy

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