Saturday, May 22, 2010

Day 23

Hello All,

I love the way we spend our days. We get up about 9:00 or so and have coffee, talk and then fix a nice healthy breakfast. We sit around and talk; there's never a loss of words between the three of us. And laugh, yes we share a very similar sense of humor and this has been one of the big pluses of this visit. Here is a belated birthday card that Darlene gave to me along with a picture of a peony bouquet given to me by Marti. See what I mean about the humor???

So today we left the apartment about 1:30 pm and went shopping at Gallerie Lafayette and H&M--both nice stores in Paris. Afterwards we went to Ile Saint Louis for lunch and some of their famous Berthillon ice cream. It's a charming little island with lots of quaint shops. Marti stopped in a marionette shop, ever so tiny, and bought two little music boxes where you turn the knob and a sweet song is played. Next stop was a shop with beautiful purses and I purchased an original Parisien designed purse. It's the top picture! Final stop was the Franprix store a few doors from our apartment for a pound of coffee, blanched almonds, and a baguette of bread.

Tonight for dinner we had a rotisserie chicken from the Poncelet Open Market, white asparagus and left over risotto from our Le Cordon Bleu cooking class. Of course we had wine with dinner and afterward we fired up the computer and watched Julie and Julia for the rest of the evening.

What a relaxing and enjoyable Spring day in Paris with two such wonderful friends. The weather has warmed up and tomorrow it's predicted to be 80 degrees.

I hope all is well with each and every one of you. You're in my thoughts...

Until we meet again,

Much love,


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