Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Day 13 - Paris in the Springtime When It's Raining

Everyone knows how much I love the cool weather. Well, today I was in "my element" as I strolled the streets of Paris all bundled up with rosy cheeks, a French beret and an umbrella to keep me dry! How about carrying a baguette of French bread fresh from the bakery oven and it keeps the hands warm? Ah, yes, that is Paris in the springtime for me...

I stayed in part of the day and read "Auntie Mame," (birthday gift from Eddy) took a warm bubble bath and made several cups of hot coffee. At 4:00 pm I got ready to board the metro to meet Deanna at at the Ile St. Louis, a charming, tiny island enlivened by chic restaurants, cafes, art galleries and boutiques. But I must confess this was now my second trip to this island. You may recall in an earlier blog that I enjoyed (savored) a dish of their famous Berthillon ice cream. Deanna had been out touring the Musee d'Orsay and this was the only time we could meet to enjoy this speciality ice cream together. One small dish = 3 euros. I'm enjoying the more favorable exchange rate...

The p;ictures on this entry are the bridge I crossed to get to Ile St. Louis (Seine River below), the stained glass window in the ice cream store and a view of the metro station.

Speaking French has been fun. I certainly have much to learn but I know enough to get my message across. The French people seem to enjoy my attempts and are engaging when we converse. Not only engaging but they are quite helpful. I often said "what does this mean" or "how do you say" and that's when I learn the most. They're patient, very patient with me and that also makes me happy.
Tomorrow the search begins for a raincoat, trench coat or something similar for me. I didn't pack enough warm clothes. That's okay because it's really funto buy one or two French garments here in Paris. Mais oui?

It's 10:00 pm and I'm waiting for Deanna to return from the Eiffel Tower tour. Then we shall venture off for dinner. Good night, dear ones.

Love, Judy

1 comment:

  1. HI Judy,
    I told you it was cold in Paris. I am happy Vicki loaned you a jacket... My advice...keep it until you come home:)
    It sounds like you are having an amazing time and I am enjoying reading your blog. How the tables have turned huh?
    I wish I was there with you.
    I am keeping busy though...Utah, Napa, Vegas and Chicago next month. But it's not Europe is it?
    Miss you and talk to you soon,
    Your friend and follower,
