Saturday, May 29, 2010

A Day in the Suburbs


We didn't know what we were going to do today but before long, the day was planned. Marilyn, Louise and I invited over the woman from Vermont who I met in the Monoprix grocery store and her friend. She lives about two long blocks from here, about a five minute walk. We sat and visited for 90 minutes and the five of us had so much to share. It was great! There was an antique sidewalk sale lined up and down the street on the way to the metro which was so interesting. I bought a bronze sculpture of a beautiful woman which I just fell in love with. Picture to follow tomorrow (it's 2:00 am and I'm too lazy to go downstairs to find it).

After lunch we hopped on the RER train for the 35 minute ride to Montesson. Vicki and her daughter, Alexandre, picked us up at the train station and drove us the short distance to their home. After meeting and greeting the rest of her family, we ventured off for a walk along the Seine River. It was cool, misty and sometimes drizzling and a delightful day for a walk. We never stopped for an hour and a half. It was called the Impressionist Walk since that is where Monet, Renoir and other great impressionists drew their inspiration for some of their well known paintings.

Joseph and Vicki put together yet another sensational dinner for nine and what a feast it was! We had duck, ribs, sausages, artichockes stuffed with mushrooms, salad, and of course a hearty red wine.

Joseph and family drove us the short distance to the train station and off we went to Paris at 11:45, arriving home at 12:30 am.

It was a FABULOUS day and a special thanks to Vicki and Joseph and their four amazing children!

Love, Judy

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