Monday, May 24, 2010

Day 25 - Day Off

Today was a day off for me and also a French holiday. Marti and Darlene taxied away this morning for Charles de Gaulle Airport and I spent the day catching up on paperwork (it follows me wherever I go) and reading. Although I brought books with me, there is quite a nice collection of books here. I'm thinking many of the guests have left books behind and presently I am reading My Life in France by Julia Child.

The one and only picture for today is my dinner baking in the's a frozen Alsatian pizza from Picard. Picard can be found in all neighborhoods here in Paris and they sell only frozen food. Unlike most of our American frozen meals, these are a "notch above" and actually are quite tasty.

My friends from California--Marilyn and Louise-- arrive on Tuesday so my life will pick up once again. It seems I have a day's rest between visitors which is a good thing. But in June I will have three weeks by myself. I'm beginning to feel as though I am fitting into this neighborhood quite well and experiencing Paris in a brand new way. It's wonderful!

Love, Judy

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