Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Day 26

Good Evening to you!

My two girlfriends were due to arrive around 11:00 am. I had plenty of leisure time this morning, so I went out for coffee and a croissant. On the way back to the apartment I ran into two acquaintances, said "bonjour" and carried on a conversation with one in English and the other in French. It felt like I belonged and it felt good!

So these hearty girls from Glendale found their way from Charles de Gaulle Airport to my apartment by bus and then by foot. I was impressed but not at all surprised. They took an Air France bus from the airport to the Arc de Triomphe and from there wheeled their luggage to my place. I'm sure it was at least a 30 minute walk and it was hot today--probably 85 degrees. After they got settled in and had a cool drink, we made our plans. Lunch was the top priority and we went to a restaurant not far from the apartment. Then we did some grocery shopping, dropped the groceries off here and headed out for the Poncelet Open Market. It had just reopened in the afternoon at 4:00 pm when we arrived. What fun it was to pick out all the fresh products at this amazing market. What did we buy? Well, food for dinner--roasted chicken and green beans, a bottle of wine, a baguette and a dessert from Lenotre next door.

Tonight after dinner we had a thunderstorm AND the dessert you see at the top of my blog. (If Joe is reading this, kindly note that we split that tiny dessert three ways.) It's suppose to rain tomorrow. We all have umbrellas and are ready for whatever happens.

I'll end with a Hemingway quote that popped up on my computer tonight:

"There are only two places in the world where a man can live contentedly: at home and in Paris!"

Love you all, Judy

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