Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Day 19 - A Perfect Day in Paris

Hello All,

This is the end of a perfect day in Paris. If you promise you won't be bored, let me tell you about my day.

As you know, Marti and Darlene are here with me--friends I grew up with in Ohio. We got up at 8:30 or 9:00 am and had breakfast in the apartment together--coffee and a baguette with butter and jam. We sat around and talked and laughed and laughed some more and planned our day. We got ourselves dressed (arent' you glad for that?) and at noon or 1:00 pm we headed out. We strolled by LeNotre, the bakery right next to the apartment, and admired their extraordinary baked goods. Then we headed toward the metro and found our way to Sacre Couer and Montmartre (see photo of the mime we encountered).

This was my second time there on this trip but I enjoyed it as though it were my first. We had lunch in a little cafe at the end of a quaint windy road near the Salvador Dali exposition. Some of the stores intrigued us and we bought some chic ruffled neck scarves and a few other gift items. Back to the metro and back to our exit at Wagram. Leisurely strolling back home we passed a flower shop and stopped to admire the beautiful flowers and floral arrangements. We walked out with a bouquet of pink peonies for me as a little belated birthday gift. Final stop-- FranPrix grocery store just steps away from the apartment. We bought a variety of cheeses, fruits and crackers and headed home for hors d'ouervres and wine. After an hour of conversation and laughter, we got ready for our evening out.

Our tickets were for the 8:30 pm performance of "How to Become a Parisian in One Hour?" which was a one-man show starring Olivier Giraud. It was in a small theater called Theatre de la main d'or and I'm pleased to say I got us there on the metro without a glitch!!! This was 100% French Humor and 100% in English. For 20 euros it was an entertaining evening of comedy and laughter. I will be recommending this to all of my guests who come to Paris. After the show we had dinner and caught the 12:00 metro getting us home at 12:30 am. And did I fail to mention that I was asked out for coffee by the young man sitting next to me on the metro? Before I had a chance to answer we were at our destination. I got up to go and he jumped out of his seat to ask for my phone number as the doors were closing. His body was almost stuck in the train doors. It provided us with a good laugh on the way home!

This day was perfectly paced and the three of us hugged each other good night and counted our blessings.

Hugs to all of you, Judy


  1. Hi Judy,
    It sounds like you are having such a wonderful time. I am so happy for you. Your pictures are great.
    I'm off to New York tomorrow but will read everyday.
    Take care Judy,
    Love, Laura

  2. Laura, it means so much that you're following my blog as I followed yours. I've had the most wonderful experiences as you can well imagine. Thanks for all your help and support. Enjoy New York!!! Love you, Judy
