Saturday, May 1, 2010

Settling in on Avenue de Wagram

Hello Everyone!

Finally it's happened--we're in Paris and just getting settled in after a few days of exploring and discovering how things work here in the apartment. What is the simpliest thing at home becomes a real challenge here in the apartment. There are plugs and adapters everywhere, the scale says "bonjour" and then proceeds to say in French how many kilos I weigh. I have not a clue but I wouldn't be surprised if it was saying "You've eaten too much. Go to the gym and check back tomorrow." It's taken us four hours to do a load of laundry (wash cycle only--I was told to use the express setting but couldn't find it!) and we do not have a clue how to answer the phone. We say hello and it seems to hang up.

On the bright side though--being in Paris with Connie and Isabel is beyond my wildest dreams. Isabel (age 6-1/2) has adapted beautifully. She loves what the city has to offer. Today on the metro an elderly woman needed a seat and she moved over one chair. The lady said "bonjour" and Isabel replied in her sweetest of all voices, "bonjour madam."

We took the Bateaux Mouche (boat ride) on the Seine on the first night. It was like a summertime evening--balmy and beautiful for a ride down the Seine. The buildings and monuments are beautifully illuminated. It's quite a sight.

My friends, Vicki and Joseph, have been amazing in every way. Joseph greeted us at the airport and drove us to our apartment. Honestly, I don't know how we would have managed without him. Then the next day we took the RER (train) to their city in the suburbs and spent the afternoon and evening with them. Vicki cooked both lunch and dinner and on top of that, Joseph made an apple pie for dessert. Unfortunately Vicki had an accident while in Paris this week and cut open her chin, so she is recovering from that. It didn't stop her though from being warm and welcoming to us. Isabel had fun playing with Sarah, the youngest Philippona!

Connie took Isabel to Luxembourg Park for the afternoon. I was feeling under the weather and decided it was better that I stay home and get better. So here it is 3:30 am or so and Connie and I are up chatting, laughing and even doing a load of laundry. No surprise - this often happens when the different time zones kick in.

I can't wait to post some pictures but I have to figure that one out some other day.

There's nothing like hearing from you. Please please keep in touch. I miss you more than you might imagine.

Love, Judy

1 comment:

  1. Hi Judy,
    It sounds like you are having a great time so far. Reading your blog makes me so homesick for Europe.
    Tell Vicki I hope she is feeling better.
    Talk to you soon,
    Love, Laura
