Friday, May 7, 2010

Day Nine

Hi Everyone,

It's not even 6:00 pm and here I am, ready to start my blog. Something must be wrong. Well kind of. Isabel and Connie are on their way back to Washington and life has changed on avenue de wagram. After seeing them off this morning, I actually lounged around the apartment, enjoyed a cup of coffee and watched CNN. The election in London was the major news item so I didn't watcheTV for long.

The housekeeper arrived as scheduled at 3:00 pm and after instructing her what I would like done, I took off for a walk in the neighborhood. It was fun and I found some interesting shops so close to the apartment. I stopped and had a coffee at an outdoor cafe down the street and enjoyed a few tiny pieces of chocolate I had bought from the chocolate candy shop across the street. I tried out my new Longchamp "back pack" syle purse and stopped at the small grocery store to try it out. Actually I could fit yogurt, butter and an assortment of cheeses in it, so I believe this is just the right purse for me!!!

Yesterday was a wonderful day with my friend, Vicki. We all met at Jacquesmart-Andre Museum for an elegant lunch. This gorgeous building was once a residence and we ate in the most beautiful of all dining rooms. It was a perfect choice (thank you, Vicki) as we had not experienced anything like that so far. It will be a great place to take my friends when they arrive. And it's close to where I live. This bathtub was featured in a window close to our lunch spot and I know my friend Laura will recognize it. It was on her blog when she was in Paris recently. Now who wouldn't love taking a bubble bath in that???
After lunch we shopped and shopped some more. You saw the picture of Isabel in her new dress on yesterday's blog. And I got something very very special for Jessica who will be turning 12 years old in June. I'll be in Paris on her birthday but we'll celebrate when I return.
And a lovely good afternoon to all of you back home.

Love, Judy


  1. Hi Judy,
    You are so cute... Don't you think we both NEED that bathtub????
    I just fell in love with it all over again. And the Jacquemart Museum is beautiful isn't it? Vicki and I went there as well only it was snowing that day.
    Happy traveling to you,
    Love , Laura

  2. Ha ha Laura -- it must seem like "deja vu" to you! I plan on taking Judy to that other bistro we went to - L'Entrecote too. Hope you are doing well....
