Thursday, June 3, 2010

June 3rd - George's Birthday

Birthday greetings to George! I'm thinking of you and wishing you were here--we'd celebrate your birthday in style! George was with me in Paris many years ago and upon arrival, we both got our hair cut at a Parisian salon. It was fun and quite an unusual experience.

Well, I repeated the beauty salon experience and today had my hair cut and colored at a shop around the corner. The magazines were interesting--I had to guess what was being written by looking at the pictures (Swedish prince-to-be married to this woman? Or Swedish prince-to-be has a girlfriend? Or Swedish prince to-be "disowned" for being seen with this woman?)

In case you didn't know, dogs are permitted almost anywhere and a beauty salon is no exception. This lady came in with this huge boxer dog, told it to "lie down" which it did, and that was that.

I timed my walk to the beauty salon--door to door. Are you ready for this? One minute and 15 seconds! This is something I could get used to in a real hurry. I have appreciated not driving for a month and using public transportation. It's such a great way to explore this wonderful city.

I'll sign off for now and call it a day--it's only 3:00 PM, yes PM as in "the afternoon!"

Love you all, Judy


  1. Your hair looks very pretty, Judy. And, George, if you are reading this -- Happy Birthday!!!
