Monday, June 14, 2010


Hello All,

We're back from Germany and since it's 1:30 am, I will post a few pictures which represent just a few of the great experiences Sharon and I had with my good friends in Weinstadt, a suburb of Stuttgart, Germany.

One picture is of the tiny village of Weinstadt where my friends live, the other is a "fraction" of the nutcrackers that my friends collect and the other picture was taken outdoors at a festival (roasted pig).

More will follow tomorrow when my mind and body are fresher. We taxied home at midnight to find the elevator "out of order" and we had two heavy suitcases (I did LOTS of shopping in Weinstadt) to carry up seven flights of stairs. What to do? I found an "all American looking" young man on the sidewalk outside of my apartment and offered him 10 euros to carry up the suitcases to the top floor for me. He accepted and I felt so appreciative that I gave him another five euros. What a lifesaver!!!

Love, Judy

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