Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Day 54

Hello America, How Are You?

I decided to take a bus tour to Giverny, the home of Monet. It was a 75 minute bus ride to the edge of Normandy where Monet lived and found much of his inspiration. The pictures I'm posting are of Monet's gardens. Although we were able to tour his home, we were not permitted to take pictures. It was a lovely way to spend the afternoon and, as the days are drawing near for my departure, it was on my list of places to go. Mission accomplished!

It's hard to imagine but it just turned 8:00 pm and I'm home, showered, and finishing my blog. Can this be true? Soon I will have dinner (at home) and dive into the new book I bought on the way home. This was a big purchase and one that I've wanted since the day I arrived. What book you ask? It's Julia Child's Mastering The Art of French Cooking. It's quite a large book (and heavy) and even though I could easily buy it in the states, it means more to me buying it here in Paris, especially since I'm officially "certificated" at Le Cordon Bleu!!!

The good news for me is that the elevator is finally fixed after 10 days! You have no idea what a pain it is to climb 140 steps up, then another 140 steps down, many times during a typical day. And don't forget, luggage has gone up and down, groceries and the like!!!

Enjoy a good night's sleep and a great day tomorrow! I'll be seeing you soon!

Love, Judy

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