Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Day 40 - Sharon's Arrival in Paris

Hello to All,

Today I did what any local might do--have a cup of coffee in a small cafe, go to the shoe repair shop, post office, grocery store and then get my hair done. It was a lovely drizzly day and I spent the afternoon at home relaxing and preparing for Sharon's arrival in the early evening.

At 7:00 pm sharp the buzzer rang from the lobby and Sharon had arrived! I was so excited to see her and she greeted me with the same enthusiasm--a big hug and kiss! We sat and talked about her flight over on Air France (business class no less) and what we wanted to do for the rest of the evening. You know it doesn't get dark until at least 10:00 am, so at 7:00 pm the night was young.

Out we went with umbrellas open looking for Bus 30 to take us to Trocadero Square and the Eiffel Tower. We found the bus and found our destination in no time at all. But we were early and the Eiffel Tower was not yet lit. My friend had suggested a lovely restaurant near the Eiffel Tower and we decided to go there and later return to see the tower lit.

I approached three handsome men dressed in suits on the steps of the National Theatre and asked if they knew of this restaurant or the street. They did not but they fell over one another to help us. One went to his car and brought out a huge Thomas-type guide. They found the street which wasn't that close so collectively it was decided we'd take a taxi. All three stood in the street hailing a taxi for us. They were friendly, warm and welcoming. The one gave the address to the taxi driver and off we went waving goodbye and giving our thanks for such help. Damsels in distress? Well, no, but it was fun to have three such charming men delight in helping us.

After a wonderful dinner at La Fontaine de Mars, we walked for five minutes and voila!--there was the Eiffel Tower in all its splendor. We "oohed" and "aahed" over it at 11:00 pm when the diamond-like lights sparkle for five minutes. The rain had stopped and it was a perfectly delightful evening. We taxied home and said our good-nights are midnight. How is it 2:00 am already???

A special "hello" to Denise and Paul who have just returned from their successful climb to Mount Everest.

Love, Judy

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