Sunday, June 6, 2010

Day 37 - Lunch in Le Visinet with Andre and Family

Hi All,

Finally this sweltering heat is gone! I woke up this morning to the wonderful sound of rain and along with it, much cooler temperatures. It was a perfect day to visit Andre and his family in the suburbs.

Andre's father was one of the international visitors whose program I arranged many years ago. He was working for Prime Minister Jacque Chirac at the time. After returning to Paris, he called and asked many of us in the states to look for an internship for his son, Andre. Well, I was the one who succeeded and Andre stayed with me for one summer while interning at Southern California Edison.

So today we had a reunion of Andre, his father Philippe and their spouses and children. Philippe and his lovely wife picked me up and we drove to Andre's. They live in a century old home in the suburbs--a charming "country" home built in the 1890's (picture is the back of the house). We had a delicious lunch of turbo fish, rice, salad, french bread of course, wine and a rhubard dessert. After dinner, they served expresso and chocolates. Two of Andre's four children were home and joined us for lunch. The rain had stopped and it truly was a delightful afternoon getting together with friends from long ago.

Philippe and his wife invited me for lunch at their home after my return from Germany. I am looking forward to that. Francoise is an interesting woman--retired sociologist--and quite a student of world history. It was great fun chatting with her.

I bought a bouquet of flowers for Andre's wife. They are my favorite flower called peonies. We don't grow them in the warm Southern Caifornia climate, so I am thoroughly enjoying them while in Paris.

Enjoy your Sunday doing whatever it is that makes you happy and content.

Love, Judy

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