Monday, June 7, 2010

Day 38

Good Evening, All!

It feels kind of strange typing "Day 38" because I'm past the half way mark here in Paris. I am enjoying myself so much and now I have a tinge of anxiety knowing the days are ticking away rather quickly and July 1 will be here before I know it.

Smart Cars - they're all over Paris. They are made by Mercedes and appear to be about half the size of a regular full-size car. For Paris they seem to be ideal as parking is expensive and very limited. As you can also see from a photo I took coming home tonight, it doesn't seem to matter what direction a car is parked. One headed this way, another headed that way!

I went to an outdoor cafe this morning and encountered an unusual sight that I would never see in Los Angeles. This young man, dressed in a suit, was on his motorcycle or motor scooter in the main flow of traffic before me. He's at a stop light and looks over and sees this young woman with her baby in a stroller and they wave and acknowledge one another. She's having coffee a table or two away from me. He immediately makes a turn, right onto the sidewalk where she was sitting with her baby, and stays there and chats with this woman for 30 minutes. The lady eventually gets up from her chair and stands by him, enjoying a cigarette. They talked and talked and laughed and smiled and then said goodbye. Here are a few pictures of them.

I followed the advise of Andre's father and boarded a bus after my morning cafe experience and followed it to the end of the line. Bus #31 took me through parts of Paris I had never seen before (Gare de Est) and it was fun! The roundtrip was 45 minutes. My monthly Metro pass covers bus travel also. Some other day I'll plot out another bus route and go somewhere I haven't been before.

About 9:30 pm I decided to take the bus to the Eiffel Tower and go up and view the city. The #30 bus was at the stop within minutes of my arrival and before I knew it, I was at the Place du Trocadero (picture attached). From there it was a short walk to the Eiffel Tower.

That's all to report for today. Sending all of you my love.


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