Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Day 55

Hello Everyone,

I am so pleased to know so many of you are following my European Journey by way of my blog. Hopefully I can have enough to write about to pique your interest and keep you coming back! Today was just one of those remarkable days. Here goes!

A lunch invitation was extended to me by the father and stepmom of Andre, the young French intern who stayed with me one summer. I boarded the bus in front of my apartment at 11:30 am with a huge bouquet of pink peonies for the hostess. After 30 minutes I arrived at Gare D'Est, the end of the line for Bus 31. From there I walked 15 minutes to the De Bausset apartment without too many wrong turns!

Philippe and Francoise greeted me warmly and while sipping a gin and tonic, I had a tour of their home. The De Bausset family portraits hung on every wall--magnificent oil paintings dating back to the mid 1700's. One great grandfather served in Napolean's reign, another relative was the French Ambassador to Russia, another was someone equally important. Just take a look at these portraits and the beautifully appointed home.

This is Philippe and me standing in front of one (or two) of his ancestors!!!

And let me introduce Philippe with his charming wife, Francoise:

In Philippe's office there was dozens of framed photographs taken during his career as a journalist and they were fascinating. How about sitting in President Kennedy's office, just the two of them. Then Philippe and Bobby Kennedy in Kennedy's office. Secretaries of State, Governors, Statesmen and even a photo of Philippe at a table sitting with Caryl Chessman at San Quentin. He was interviewing him shortly before his execution.

Some kind of day, wouldn't you say?

Lunch was delectable. Philippe boasted about his wife's culinary achievements and oh my, he was not exagerrating. The first course was a delightfully cold gaspacho soup pureed with diced cucumber floating on top followed by sweet breads and noodles. Naturally lunch was served with a beautiful red wine. Dessert was apple tartin and a cup of expresso topped off the meal. We ate on their lovely patio and the cool breeze was reminescent of a lovely breeze at the oceanside. I could not have been more comfortable but shopping was on the agenda, so Francoise and I left on foot to find an A #1 professional cooking store. I am now the proud owner of a Mauviel copper saute pan. Let me tell you about this pan. Ready?

For people who love to cook
In 1830 in a Normandy village called Villedieu-les-Poeles, which is located near the Mont-Saint-Michel, Mr Ernest Mauviel established the Mauviel manufacturing company. Villedieu-les-Poêles, "the city of copper", has a 800 year of heritage of copper manufacturing.The strength and foundation for Mauviel's manufacturing expertise is based upon this rich tradition of copper manufacturing that has been handed down from generation to generation. since the very early years, by offering the highest quality products, Mauviel has been a fixture in the professional and commercial markets. Today, Mauviel continues to offer the professional chef, the products that are unsurpassed in quality and design. These same products are now also available to household markets. Throughout the world, Mauviel products are used by many famous chefs and professionals.

We went into one store that deals with professional restaurants and I bought a lifetime supply (600 grams) of Fonds Brun Lie which is a dehydrated veal stock. It's something that more than one good cook has raved about here in Paris. And how could I go home without a one kg sack of Sucre Grains. These were used at Ritz Paris for our puffed pastries. They look like gigantic grains of sugar and they get sprinkled over the pastry before baking. Well, my work is cut out once I arrived back home, I can see that!

Finally tonight I found news about America on several channels although not the kind of news I like to hear. President Obama replaced General McChrystal which, of course, caught worldwide attention. The overall feeling for Obama is extremely positive here in Europe and even with others I have talked to in Australia, China and other parts of the globe. A high ranking energy executive who I talked to on Saturday night said, among other things, that Obama has vision and courage. That seems to be the consensus abroad and it's good to hear such positive comments about our President.

It's time to say "bon nuit" and I will be in touch with you tomorrow, as always!

Love, Judy

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