Thursday, June 24, 2010

Day 56

Greetings All,

You've read about me taking the train out to Vicki and Joseph's, well here's a picture I snapped today as I arrived at the train station.

Today was yet another exceptional day. I was invited to the home of Elizabeth, a friend of Vicki's who lives in the suburbs of Paris along the Seine River. She invited about a dozen women for a garden party/pool party in the lush setting of her palatial estate. Take a peek at the grounds plus Elizabeth's kitchen with a view in every direction:

Most everyone enjoyed the pool as it was a hot summer afternoon. We ate, drank champagne (Mumm's for the ladies), and finished off the garden party with some of Vicki's famous chocolate chip cookies. It was an afternoon of gaiety, lively conversation and an overall sense of well-being. "Here I am, right where I want to be"--a quote from Isaac Dinesen's Book Out of Africa.

All of the women at this garden party are American/Canadian married to French men. They have lots in common and are a very tight knit, lovely group of ladies.

It's settled! I'm going back to Stuttgart, Germany, for another visit with my friends in the small village of Weinstadt. After I check out of my apartment on June 30, I will spend a few nights at Vicki and Joseph's, then take the train on the Fourth of July to Stuttgart. Then back to Burbank on July 7th, which will mark the end of a faboulous 9 week journey!

Tomorrow is Ritz Paris for cooking. I can't wait for this "healthy cooking" class.

Good night, all

Love, Judy

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