Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Day 39

Good Afternoon!

For those of you who thought an American in Paris should NEVER wear white athletic shoes, well you might have been shocked at me today! This city is all about walking and comfort takes top priority. I'm taking good care of the feet--they're happy and so am I! By the way, almost every day I walk by this darling boutique for little girls and stop and gaze at the display in the window. Aren't these the most adorable shoes for a little girl? I could just see little Isabel in them!

It's 3:00 pm in Paris and I'm home and possibly in for the day. I ventured out this morning at 10:00 am pretty much as I did yesterday, just discovering another part of Paris by bus and by metro. (The bus stop closest to my apartment actually has the time displayed when the next bus (No. 84) will arrive - can you see it in this picture? It was due in 7 minutes. That is really great.)

This time I decided to find the Hotel de Ville which is the home of the city council. It is highly ornate, with elaborate stonework, turrets and statues overlooking a pedestrian square. It is also the official residence of the mayor of Paris (some choose to live elsewhere). Truly it is a magnificent structure.

From there I found the Latin Quarter and enjoyed lunch in Cafe Bonaparte. I ordered French onion soup (for the third time) and it was the best I've had yet! So the Latin Quarter is a maze of narrow, cobbled streets off the boulevard and full of shops, boutiques, theaters and cinemas. Famous institutes abound including the Sorbonne. Many bookshops, cafes and jazz clubs are in this quarter between the Seine and the Luxembourg Gardens. When Sharon comes this week, I'd like to take her there. It is indeed a lively and colorful part of Paris!

It looks like it might rain this afternoon. I am thrilled with this weather. You might say it's "jacket weather" but for me a light shirt is sufficient. It's clear, breezy and lovely--perhaps 70 degrees today.

Did I mention how safe I feel here? In fact, all of my visitors have felt the same way. The neighborhood is top notch and the public transportation is so reliable and used by the masses that there seems to be "safety in numbers." I never hesitate to walk home at midnight or so from the metro.

Love, Judy

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