Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Day 46

Good Morning America, How Are You?

My blog will once again be short and it's early morning and I am in need of some sleep.

Tonight was Sharon's last night in Paris and we have a wonderful evening. We went to the Theatre de la main d'or to see "How to Become Parisian in One Hour" and met friends there. Louise is back in Paris, now with her daughter-in-law and granddaughter so they attended and Vicki and Joseph were my guests for this performance. It was my third time to see this hilarious one-man show and I enjoyed it as much tonight as I did the first time, maybe even more!!!

After the performance we all went to a Corsican restaurant around the block for drinks. We enjoyed recounting some of the funniest parts of the performance--starring Olivier Giraud. At midnight we all boarded the metro and got off after six or seven stops at Metro Stop "Opera." From there we went three different directions on the metro and Sharon and I stepped into the apartment at 12:30 p.m. The elevator is still out of service so we racked up 560 steps today. Not bad, huh?

I'll post a few more pictures taken in Germany (spatzle lunch at friends, Mercedes Museum and Weinstadt village) and say "good night/good morning" to all of my lovely friends and family back home.

And a Happy Belated Birthday to Jessica--my soon-to-be-a-teenager granddaughter back in Simi Valley!!!



  1. Hi Judy,
    Hi Judy,
    I spent the evening catching up on your blog. I love it. I posted some comments throughout:)
    Isn't it funny how late you stay up when in Paris? It's really difficult when you get back home (thats a 4 letter word that we won't talk about!!! haha)
    It sounds like you are having such an amazing time and I am so happy for you.
    Love, Laura

  2. Laura, last night after the "one man show" we sat around having drinks and spent a great deal of time talking about your blog which was my inspiration. So many of my friends are following my blog but the Queen of All Time is you, Laura. Your blog was something special. I shared your blog with all of my friends who were coming to Paris so we all could join in last night(including Vicki and Joseph) to discuss your wonderful writing style. Paris is wonderful; my life is wonderful. Umm, who does that sound like? It's true for both of us!
