Monday, June 28, 2010

Days 59 and 60 with the Philippona's

Greetings to All,

I've been away so I will combine the last two days into one. I've been at Vicki and Joseph's at their generous invitation 1) to escape the heat of Paris and to get out of an apartment with no air conditioning and 2) to limit my train travel back and forth as we had a "girls luncheon" today out Vicki's way today.

Sunday I watched the World Cup - England vs. Germany. Of course it was all in French and I was rooting for Germany only to discover the team in the red jerseys was England, not Germany. See what I mean, the simplest things can become hard to understand at times when in another country. When the game was over I went out to Vicki's with my Le Cordon Bleu Tomato Tart in hand and joined them for a delicious dinner on their patio. I spent the night and was spoiled royally. I had a fan in my bedroom which was heavenly. I slept like a log!

This morning Vicki, her 12 year old daughter Sarah, and I went grocery shopping at Carrefour and got back just in time to meet the girls for lunch. There were five of us-- Elizabeth, Bobbie and her mom from Pennsylvania, Vicki and me. It was so enjoyable and I loved being in the company of these good friends (all ex-pats).

The next big task ahead was making train and plane reservations as I am soon to be checking out of my little nest here in Paris. Joseph helped me tremendously (truly I don't know what I'd have done without him) and after a call to Germany and a few calls to the U.S. my plans were set.

I leave Paris on June 30 by train to Stuttgart. After a three day visit with Chris and Bernd, I will take the train to Frankfurt to catch my American Airlines flight home on the 4th of July. I will arrive home just about the time the fireworks will be going off in Stough Canyon (it took a minute to remember the name of my neighborhood park).

Here is the famous LeNotre store two doors down from my apartment building. They are famous throughout Paris for their exquisite catering, bakery, events, etc. I took this walking home tonight from the metro.

My bags are packed and I'm ready to go! Now it's time for dinner and hopefully a bit of news on CNN.

Enjoy these lazy, hazy, crazy days of Summer!

Love, Judy


  1. I'm going to miss you Judy! I hope it is a little cooler in your apartment tonight...

  2. Vicki, I will miss you and your lively family tremendously. You have been the "topping" to this amazing trip here in Paris. Without you, my journey could not have been the success that it was.

    It is "hotter than Africa" here tonight in the apartment. I'm going to hop in the shower yet again to cool down!
