Thursday, June 17, 2010

Days 48 and 49


I missed you guys yesterday as it was my first day with no blog entry. So today I will "double up" and see what's new in the 17th arrondisment of Paris!

Right now it's 4:00 pm Thursday in Paris and it's a cool, rainy day. I love these kinds of days and today is no exception. I've been in all day just taking it easy. The housekeeper is here now and all is well.

Sharon left yesterday back to Irvine, California. We spent the morning walking the streets of Paris and ended up at the Ritz Paris for a quick peek at this luxury hotel. After she taxied off to the airport, Louise and Pam (her daughter in law) came over for a visit and lunch. Louise stayed with me in May and after she left, she continued travelling with Pam and her granddaughter. It was fun seeing Louise again and meeting the other members of her family. I'll include a picture of us at lunch at our favorite local restaurant, Le Royal Pereire!

Climbing up and down the stairs has been okay except yesterday I missed one of the steps and fell. I had a goose-egg sized lump on my ankle but after icing it and elevating my leg, it's much better today. C'est la vie! The elevator is suppose to be fixed today--six days later. Do you think that could happen in the States without some kind of a revolt??

I'll end now and continue more later.

Much love, Judy

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