Sunday, April 18, 2010

Drowning My Concerns

Rather than focusing on the volcano activity, today Eddy and I enjoyed a fabulous buffet at the Sierra Room at Universal Hilton. This was not only to drown my concerns over the Paris plan, but to also celebrate my upcoming birthday. Who knows how old I will be ?

Volcano in Iceland Problems

Here it is 10 days before departure and Iceland threatens to screw it up! I'll take it day by day and I'll accept whatever my fate is. The ashes that fill the sky above Europe are so dense that most international travel has been hampered. The news is favorable and I anticipate that air travel will return to normalcy by April 28th. I will keep you posted.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Ready, Set, Go!

Hi All,

Once the calendar turned to April, there's been a flurry of activity here. It's exciting and exhilerating! I gave notice at the law firm on April Fool's Day (no joke) and my last day is April 15th. Then 14 days to tie up loose ends and I'm off with Connie and Isabel--destination Paris!

This truly is a trip of a lifetime and I look forward to sharing it with all of you.

To be continued...